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making money from Google Adsense

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This article is intended for beginners who just want or are creating a site and want to earn extra money from Google Adsense. Google Adsense itself is affliasi program that Google uses to attract webmasters to participate in promoting the Google ads.

Here are 10 Tips & Tricks Google Adsense for beginners:

1. Create distinguished not apply Google Adsense (GA) or often rejected apply in adsense, maybe can start by making English-language blog at - Update at least 1-2 months if the new OK dah apply GA.This step is the possibility of success of 90% with a record of your site is not illegal site (hackers, porn, download crack) and the like, and the site also must frequently be updated periodically. Blogs are free and fast solution, rather than buy netter domain or spend money on hosting. After his blog lively, solution to buy a domain can be done, and bloggers provide facilities for it.
2. We recommend air-netter site is English langunge or a mixture usually will not get out much of his text-ads-Google, which came out 99% of ad service (can diakalin but violates the TOS - Terms of servises) unless the site has an annual Netter (more than 1-2 years) new ad out that a mixture of Indo language can sometimes Indo and can also be British and sometimes get out "advertising services".
3. Never you frauding Google because sooner or later, netter definitely caught. Read the TOS before because every 3-6 months there must be a new provision that the day I see more and more complicated ... 90% of GA would have never done well in deliberate cheating or not, the most frequent cheating would be banned, if that is rarely the most diperingatin first.
4. For those who want to increase site traffic for free can be used by:
- List of all site search engines, especially Google, Yahoo and MSN (do every 2 weeks)- Sending links / banners with other sites- Send an e-mail to know-who know only (not spam) or specify a signature in your e-mail- Use the signature site netter when posting on forums- Mailing lists can sometimes be helpful (do not spam too)- Update site and make interesting and informative as possible so as to attract incoming- Do it any way just do not SPAM and do not violate the TOS GA
5. Alternatively netter must pay with put banners on other sites, that you think fit with what you promote or plug adword with Google. Never pay traffic sites that promise thousands of visitors because it is only temporary and prohibited by the GA.
6. Do not spam in any netter doing promotion for the site because of spammers that hated the virtual world, and that spam is usually a bad reputation even though the site will increase traffic for a while but for the long term will have an effect is not good, and the site will netter in the "blacklist". Do not be someone who sucks because a lot netter Indo been branded with a bad reputation on the internet as a netter who like crackers, pirates copyright, deceiving our own people and the last began a hobby nge-SPAM.
7. Netter can affiliate with clickbank, amazon or any other reply to add your site income. Proper ad placement position, the display site and news is updated frequently can also make distinct advantage for netter
8. We recommend netter sites have the suffix. Com or. Net (not a free domain like. Cc, or a, etc.) even though in the beginning blogger (blogspot) from Google is quite helpful. This is because in the web world is very much a rival and instead use a site that ends in. Com or. Net rarely entered the top ten rankings unless netter find a unique word for it, or netter very informative site with useful features news for many people. Even if it took so long to be in a position above except netter advertise the site.
9. Netter preferably should have a hobby to write an article, because if not netter site only contains information taken from the sites of others, and rating sites will slowly rise. Even if netter taken from sites of others and continue to be edited and in-perbagus, please cantumin source, because this is a code of ethics of journalists. Our article on the internet too often hijacked another netter without putting the source from where.Learn to share and respect fellow netter, if netter including those who like to plow, well please be reduced and eventually eliminated ...
10. The last thing most important is "never give up", because everybody and I also started from scratch. Everything there is always a beginning. Learn, learn and learning is the key if you want success in this field, and I also still do to this day

Author: Erwin


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